A contemporary tragedy
A contemporary tragedy
A co-production of antagon theaterAKTion and Ondadurto Teatro.
DIASPORA addresses the situation of migrants and displaced people today, caused for example by (neo-)colonial structures of exploitation in the global south, as well as the current war in Ukraine.
As a modern interpretation of Euripides' classic tragedy "The Trojan Women", DIASPORA strives for a change of perspective - to look at world events and conflicts from the eyes of the people on the ground, from the point of view of women, refugees, the uninvolved and the innocent.
In expressive images, the piece appeals to our individual and societal responsibility: not to close our eyes to war, exploitation, expulsion and crimes against our fellow human beings, but to become the subject of an end to these
In an interplay of dance, physical theatre and song, the performers develop an expressive stage language that is equal to the topics and shows one of the most serious cuts in diasporic experiences: the loss of language.
Live music between archaic force and emotional fragility, video projections and moving stage design take the audience on a scenic journey through the contradictions and borderline experiences of our time.